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Visualizzazione post con etichetta david lummus. Mostra tutti i post


Poesia della Domenica - "Come stenti a Rio de Janeiro" (da "Trio di fine millennio") di Fabrizio Falconi


Come stenti a Rio de Janeiro,
come magici rilenti
abbandonati spenti venti sempiterni,
accaldati venti dell’entroterra arroventato

tra le macerie polverose dell’Impero
crollate sfere disfatte, spezzate,
come il cavallo sfinito bloccato
dalla canicola secca della Camargue,

come tutta questa pesantezza,
scrematura acida dell’universo
inutile biancastra
disegno d’arguzia affatto divina.

Guado atteso, intermezzo
di storia e d’avventura
russare di sogni così forte
da svegliarsi e morirne,

passa e ripassa il nostro sbaglio
sulle federe, sui cuscini
sul rumore distante dei disastri
disattesi dolorosi di strada,

sormontato dalla nausea grigia
di gabbiani, faticosamente sospinti
da venti affievoliti, distratti
stupidi venti calanti.

Fabrizio Falconi 

Traduzione dall'italiano in inglese di David Lummus


Like privations in Rio de Janiero,
like magic stagnations
abandoned, extinguished winds, everlasting,
overheated winds of the hinterlands, red-hot

among the dusty ruins of the Empire
collapsed, undone spheres, in pieces,
like the horse, exhausted and stalled
in the dry dog-days of the Camargue,

like all this heaviness,
acid skim of the universe
useless, off-white
design of a wit entirely divine.

Ford eagerly awaited, interval
of history and adventure
snoring with dreams loudly enough
to awaken and die from it,

Back and forth goes our mistake
on the pillowcases, on the cushions,
on the noises in the distance of the disregarded
distressing disasters in the street,

overcome by the grey nausea
of seagulls, laboriously driven
by feeble winds, distracted
stupid dying winds.

We yearn for landings
and we know nothing
of tenderness and tides,
of the pallor of childhood,

of the silhouette lost
among the hands of the crowd,
passing swiftly by, bloodless,
on the verge of death.


How does night fall here (Come scende la sera qui) - di Fabrizio Falconi.

How does night fall here,
you ask me as you count the flies
blocked by the storm:
it falls like rope, like
an acrobat with golden feet

it falls.

traslated by David Lummus

Come scende la sera qui,
mi chiedi contando le mosche
bloccate dal temporale:
scende come fune, come
acrobata dai piedi d’oro,


Fabrizio Falconi, in Tri-Quarterly 127/2007.


Over that unique, lost (Su quell'unico, perduto) - di Fabrizio Falconi .

Over that unique, lost
indelible balcony geranium,
slipped all of life,
eaten by the earth.

I was a shingle
out of place, balanced
between swallows and the reek of compost.
Nearby cracks come into focus,
it was not enough to live,
it was of no use to die.

The geranium
consumed by the years
attempts new colors
in the same dead earth.

Su quell'unico, perduto 
indelebile geranio da balcone,
scivolata tutta la vita,
mangiata dalla terra.

Io ero un'assicella
mal disposta, in equilibrio,
tra rondini e puzza di torba.
Vicine crepe distinte,
a nessuno bastò vivere,
a nessuno servì morire.

Il geranio
consunto dagli anni
tenta nuovi colori,
nella stessa morta terra.

traslated by David Lummus
Fabrizio Falconi, in Tri-Quarterly 127/2007.


Force of death (Forte morte) - di Fabrizio Falconi.

Force of death

To the tremor and to the heart you would
have liked to bind, not to the wind,
Paula's eyes, which flew away from you
like claws, before seizing you.
Why,          if you doubt the logic,
the convenience fo restraint,
if you believed in the free play
of one who truly loves,
why          did you cry like a nomad,
beneath the Paris sky, Nordic enough,
why          did you tear your clothes,
barking like an abandoned dog,
for Her death ?
Left of her, Paula, were the eyes
black like black pearls, and the festive colors,
like of you all the words are left
lined up like a heavenly convoy,
trafficking in good harvest for the living,
and for their assigned time.

Edited by Roberto Dossi
Translated by Robert Pogue Harrison and David Lummus

Tratta da Tri-Quarterly, Contemporary Italian poetry, January 1, 2007

Forte morte

Al tremore, e al cuore avresti
voluto allacciare, non al vento,
gli occhi di Paula, che ti volavano
via come artigli, prima di prenderti.


Ballast (Zavorra) - di Fabrizio Falconi.


Far away heart, through the hoisted
untiring consoling
forgetfulness of self
and of the contorted slow lugubrious
world, there is no reason
to search far and wide.

traslated by David Lummus


Cuore lontano, per l'inalberata
instancabile consolante
dimenticanza di sé
e del contorto lento lugubre
mondo, non c'è motivo
di cercare lontano.

Fabrizio Falconi, in Tri-Quarterly 127/2007.